Sunday, August 2, 2009

The End Times

If you are just tuning into this blog, as I am, I feel like I should preface the following message, and tell you what I'm doing here.

I've been on a spiritual path for over 15 years. I had an awakening that started September 30, 1993. I met a spiritual teacher, Doug Davis, who taught me how to connect through meditation and also open myself to channeling. Channeling is basically allowing spirit guides to speak through you. The way I do it is to hear their words in my head and either talk or write what they are saying.

In the Higher Realms, there are several councils of spirit beings who watch over the earth and instruct us in teachings. The Council of 11 is one of these groups who gives me messages to share sometimes. I feel very honored to pass on these missives to others.

For several years, I have been mostly inactive. I have stayed loosely connected to Spirit, but as a human being, I'm allowed to have my own life, make my own mistakes and generally do whatever I want. It's called free will.

Recently, however, I've felt a huge shift in my life like I'm being called back into action. As my teacher and friend Doug says, "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

About channeling: I've been aware of communing with spirits for a long time. All the women in my family had the "gift" of seeing spirits and having otherworldly experiences and messages. But none of us wanted to be seen as the village weirdo, so we pretty much kept it to ourselves, unless we felt safe enough to share it. Not to mention, most of us were raised as Baptists, so it's tough to reconcile seeing spirits when your preacher is telling you that it's the devil talking!

My rational mind still wonders if there are actually spirit guides out there or if it's simply my own Higher Self, or the unconscious mind at work. I would dismiss it as nonsense, except that I've seen too many coincidences to just brush it off. The other answer to this quandary is that "you will know the tree by its fruit." In other words, the messages are right on. The information is good and it works.

Because there are so many skeptics out there, I actually considered not attributing the message below to the Council of 11. But they opened the dialog in my head that way, so they must want it to be acknowledged. I'm sure there's a reason.

I find it both amusing and ironic that the title of this first post ever to Soul Fed is "The End Times." Where better to start than at the end?! So long and hello.

And the message:

Blessings, Dear Ones. We are the Council of 11. We have a message to impart. Thank you for being here at this auspicious time in history to participate in the ascension of humankind. We would like to title this posting The End Times, because we want to discuss the true import of what this term means.

There is much fear and dissension about the End Times. Many believe that the End Times are coming in 2012. We say that, yes, there will be a transition at this time, but it is not the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it, which is a good thing, not a bad one.

We rather liken this point as a Turning Point, not an end. Many things will shift in human consciousness as a whole. When we say this, we mean that as a global community of minds and hearts, the vibration will change, and the thoughts will shift toward more interconnectedness and not so much as a conglomeration of individuals. Which is not to say that a person will not be unique, but that groups will begin to think more alike, and the bottom line belief systems of what we choose to accept as self-evident will become stronger and more widespread.

We are already seeing this coalescing as the community networking sites become more popular, and everyone becomes more connected to everyone else. But remember, this is a physical manifestation of what has been transpiring in Higher Realms. The movement in the Higher is always toward order and condensation, and as it is above, so below.

It is much easier to work with pure energy and vibration than it is to work with form, which is why we ask that you connect to your Higher Selves and access your own personal power and experience that comes from within, the root of Spirit, and spreads throughout your other bodies, the physical, mental and emotional realms.

And so we tell you this to comfort you: There is no End of the World coming soon. As others have said, you do not get off so easily. [smile]

Also, we tell you this: In this time of profound shift, you will feel uncomfortable as you break your bonds with what is to embrace what is coming. To be able to release these attachments easily will help you, so allow yourself to flow. But even those who flow will find themselves in rough waters at times as the landscape changes all around and the movement of others letting go and holding on effects everyone. So, do not be disturbed by this movement. Enjoy the ride as much as you can, and let go again, and again.

The only important thing in any life is to remain connected to your Source. Call out to your Spirit, and you will find help, answers and peace. This we assure you. Even if everything else seems murky, your Spirit will show you the way. Continue to ask for guidance, and allow your Soul to instruct you. Let go of those things which bring you pain. Embrace what gives you joy. That is what emotions are for, to be signposts on your journey, not destinations unto themselves.

Remember that Spirit is the blueprint and the builder. The more you become aligned with its Truth, the more you will manifest your Purpose in your life. So, we will say this: If you are wondering that your Purpose is, what the meaning of life is, all you must do is listen to your deep voice within. It is not a voice that the mind can often hear, but it permeates everything that you do. You will find yourself begin to think differently, when you are listening to the voice of Spirit. You will feel at peace in the midst of chaos. You will feel aligned with a higher mission. You will feel close to God.

Remember that Spirit permeates the flesh and animates it. The physical is the last to be transformed. Allow yourself time to change and to shift. Be kind to yourself and expect miracles. The slow, quiet miracles that descend into form and radiate surely with Love.

Action is the last step of Spirit. To Be is the first. And all that happens in between is the Transfiguration of the Spirit being made real.

We say again: Everything manifests from the Higher. Everything in form precipitates from the Spirit. And so, be right with your Spirit, and all is well.

We will tell you more in other lessons. Blessings. [Thank you for this message.]

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